BAG HANDLES, Bags, Chinese New Year, Design trends, Fashion, Furniture, Gift Ideas, Handbags, Leather, Leather bag, Leather bags online, Making of a Leather Bag, Purses, Women Accessories, Women Purse

Stunning Red Leather Bags

-Red Allure – Geometry at its playful best; presenting the Red color from the Allure collection by Kaizer.

-Urban coin purse – This coin purse is a clear favorite. Along with red, it also comes in other stunning colors. Surprisingly soft to touch, don’t let it’s size deter you in believing that it is meant only for coins. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much this coin purse, that fits snugly in the palm, can hold.

-Black Wayfarer worn with a red dress. We highly recommend the black wayfarer because it is that one classic black pure Italian leather handcrafted bag that is a wardrobe must-have. Glam up or down with it and rest assured, it will never disappoint.

-Small accessories – Rhetoric, wallet, key holder, card holder

As often said, “Good thing come in small packages”. Do you need any more convincing?