Pink October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The only person who can save you is you. That was going to be the thing that formed the rest of my life.
~ Sheryl Crow
Breast Cancer Survivor

This post and this month is dedicated to those you have braved breast cancer –
survived to tell their story or rest in peace in a life far more hushed.
There are about 1.38 million new cases and 458 000 deaths from breast cancer each year (IARC Globocan, 2008). Along with the many other battles that women all over the world fight, breast cancer remains as her biggest battle.
Even though women are aware of the mental and physical tortures of breast cancer, she still remains somewhat dismissed about it. We urge you, to take care of yourself and remain aware and follow these simple steps.
An annual checkup is a must!
Days become months and months years and yet, we do not realize how the time flies. This is usually the case for most of us. A simple rule to follow is either to mark your calendar for any one date in the year that you are comfortable with, to go for a checkup. Or if you are big on celebrations, pick a date exactly after you birthday to go for your appointment. Let that checkup be a gift to yourself every year. Put your health first, so that you can care for your loved ones.
If you are one who doesn’t like doctor visits, at least be kind to yourself and do a home checkup. Either ask your doctor for a leaflet or a guide on how to check yourself or visit a site (Recommended by your doctor) to follow steps on how to do a home self-exam.
Above all, we urge you to be vigilant. Be aware of your body. Listen to it. Be kind to it.
And on a lighter note, we are giving away specially created pink cable ties all this month on every purchase made on Let’s celebrate life – Cheers!